Bringing Intelligence to Heart Failure Fluid Management
Heart Failure is Common and Costly
8.5 Million
Patients a year are living with Heart Failure (HF) in the U.S. by 2030¹
Prevalence of heart failure in adults worldwide²
Significant Burden
Placed upon hospital resources and economics³
Congestion is the Major Cause of Heart Failure Hospitalizations


5+ Days
Real World Care in the US (2023)⁶
Starting Therapy
Average Length of Stay: 5.8 days
Average Weight Loss: 8.5lbs
Time on i.v. diuretic: 3.0 days
The Challenge
Today’s standard of care for heart patient fluid removal is diuretics
Diuretics were approved 60 years ago.⁷
Diuretics remain the primary treatment option today but are difficult to administer precisely without real-time information on individual patient response.⁸
Diuretic treatment requires careful balancing of the need for rapid fluid removal with potential kidney injury.
Without timely objective feedback, physicians are missing information needed to make efficient treatment decisions.
The lack of alternative treatment options has physicians doing what they can with what they have.
The Solution
Reprieve Cardiovascular is bringing intelligence to decongestion management to safely accelerate fluid removal for heart failure patients
Combines real-time patient data and proven technology with a novel, personalized approach, to diuretic management.
Provides physicians and care teams full visibility and control of therapy throughout treatment.